小节 名称 描述
Teaching Perspectives (Week 1) 网页地址 Presentation Slides Used in ZOOM Meeting
网页地址 Teaching Perspectives Inventory (TPI)
文件 Development and use of the Teaching Perspectives Inventory (TPI)

Pratt, D. D., Collins, J. B., & Selinger, S. J. (2001, April). Development and use of the Teaching Perspectives Inventory (TPI). In annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle Washington.

网页地址 Presentation used in the ZOOM meeting for week 2
Peer Learning (Week 2) 网页地址 Presentation used in the ZOOM meeting
文件 When student midwives are present during labour and childbirth in a peer-learning model: An interview study of parents in Sweden

Tang, Y. M., Lau, Y. Y., & Chau, K. Y. (2022). Towards a sustainable online peer learning model based on student's perspectives. Education and Information Technologies, 1-20.

Activity Completion for Forums (Week 3) 网页地址 Recording of ZOOM Meeting - Start at 5:35 (click)
网页地址 Presentation Slides Used in the ZOOM Meeting for Week 3
Digital Badges (Week 4) 网页地址 Recording of ZOOM Meeting
网页地址 Presentation for Week 4
Course Completion (Week 5) 网页地址 Presentation used in the ZOOM Meeting for Week 5
网页地址 Recording of ZOOM Meeting for Week 5

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